Bookings & Results
Competition Score Recording
LV-Competition-Score-RecordingMEMBERS BOOKING
Book a Tee Time through BRS Golf online booking system.
Book an Open Competition through BRS Golf online booking system.
Golfnet is the governing body for men’s and ladies golf throughout Ireland. It includes a directory of golf clubs affiliated to the organization.
MasterScoreBoard enables Golf Clubs and Societies to report their Competition Results to the Internet, directly from HandicapMaster software.
Lee Valley members can view the following once successfully logged in:
- Members Competition Results
- Members Handicaps
- Individual Member Golf Playing History/Analysis
- Order of Merit/ Golfer of The Year
- Knock-Out Draws/ Club Matchplay
- Future Competitions
- Series & Eclectics
- Club Notices
NOTE: Please contact the Competition Secretary to reset your MasterScoreBoard password.
GUI Vouchers can be redeemed from the following premises:
- Lee Valley Pro Shop.
- Lee Valley Bar and Restaurant.
- All Golf Shops.
- Mick Murphy Menswear, North Main St, Cork
- Tom Murphy Menswear, Cork.
- Fitzgeralds Menswear, Cork.
- Desmonds Menswear, Ballincollig,
- O‘Connors Shoes, Ballincollig,
- Killumney Inn, Killumney,
- Cuddihy’s Day Break,Ovens,
- Gala, Ovens
- Ballincollig Tyres, Ballincollig,
- O‘Crualoi Butchers, Ballincollig,
- Here‘s Health Shops, Wilton/Patrick St/Douglas Court
- Munster Sheds,Ballincollig. (John O’ Gorman)
- Finn’s Corner, Washington Street, Cork