An interview with Lady Captain, Pauline Farrell

Golf is a great sport for Ladies.  We interviewed Lee Valley’s Lady Captain, Pauline Farrell on her role and to learn a little more about the Ladies Club.

What is your role as Lady Captain?

My role as Lady Captain is to look after the running of the Ladies Club for the year with the help of the other 12 members of the Committee. Great help is also provided by sub-committee members, team managers and others. The Committee have monthly meetings to organise events for the month ahead and review what has happened in the month gone by.

I also attend with our Lady President (Miriam Quaid) the visiting Captains and Presidents Days in the other Cork Golf Clubs where we play golf, have a meal and get to know each other. These are lovely days out . Our visiting Captains / Presidents day was held in Lee Valley in April of this year.

Our Club runs 6 Open Days each year which are very kindly sponsored , mainly by the same individuals and / or businesses, where all visitors are welcome to play our great golf course, which is always greatly admired. We ask our members to support the sponsors in return.

As Lady Captain, I also try to attend all the ILGU matches played by our teams during the year.

It is an honourable yet busy role for the year, but with the support from the Keohanes, the men’s club and especially all our Lady Members it is a very enjoyable and rewarding one in many ways.

What is your favourite memory during your time as Lady Captain?
My best memory of this year has to be my Lady Captain’s Day which this year had to be changed from a Saturday to a Wednesday for the first time. The support for this and any other request I made during the year was amazing. The ladies also arranged a surprise collection on the day for the charity of my choice, The Irish Guide Dogs, who were absolutely delighted to accept the cheque for €700 donated by all the lady members. We had a most magnificent hot sunny day followed by a beautiful buffet meal and then singing and dancing in the bar until the early hours.

We also have had 2 super fundraising events in the Club during the year, a quiz and a golf classic both generously supported by the Keohanes and by the men;’s club. These raised much needed funds for the ladies club and have put our club in a much better financial position.

Would you consider Lee Valley a woman friendly golf club?
The Ladies Club in Lee Valley currently has 115 members.

Yes, Lee Valley is a woman friendly club with separate tee times allocated each week. Wednesday is the ladies main competition day with Saturday (11.06 —11.30am) as an alternate time / day. There is great co-operation between the ladies and men’s clubs which works to the advantage of both. The ladies now have a lovely locker room and shower facilities which have been upgraded by the Keohanes this year.

There are many benefits of joining the ladies club, not least being the friendliness and caring that is shown between members, both new and old !!.

Do the men and women ever play any mixed events?

Our Mixed 4’s (Ladies & Men) play every Bank Holiday Monday during the year , with many fun events This year we had a 1916 fancy dress day on Easter Monday where many dressed in 1916 attire. The August Monday event will be our famous “Ryder Cup” event where half the players wear blue (for Europe) and the others wear red (for U.S.). The “Ryder Cup “ is presented to the Captain of the team which has the greater number of stableford points at the end of the game. These take place every two years and are great fun.

Categories: Lee Valley

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