2017 Services Cup
The 2017 Services Cup took place yesterday and was a fantastic day out for all involved. This marked the tenth year of the annual Services Cup. The Cup was started ten years ago by Pat Hanlon. All these service men were meeting at tragedies and other incidents, meeting, doing their jobs and leaving – there was no such thing as socialising and Pat saw this as an important gap. This was the catalyst to start the Services Cup. ‘I felt it would be better for the organisations to connect on a social level so we started a golf classic and BBQ – it’s a purely social thing.’ Pat Hanlon explains.
The event is a great day out for gardi, ambulance, airport police, prison officers, firemen, the army and navy. Each organisation competes against each other to win the coveted Services Cup, which is held by that organisation for one year until the next annual competition. This year, the Cup was won by the navy, who also won last years’ cup.
The event has had a fantastic response. Pat tells us ‘They really enjoy it – it’s the get together after, they sit down, have a BBQ and a drink and enjoy each other’s company and a bit of fun and relaxation.’
Highlight Reel
Here’s a highlight reel of the day: